Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

HH SH - Office 304 , Building - Omar Bin Zayed, , Abu Dhabi

Information about Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

HH SH - Office 304 , Building - Omar Bin Zayed
, Abu Dhabi

Opening hours

  • sunday: 10h-22h
  • monday: 10h-22h
  • tuesday: 10h-22h
  • wednesday: 10h-22h
  • thursday: 10h-22h
  • friday: 10h-22h
  • saturday: 10h-22h

Travel Agency in Abu Dhabi

Our comment from about Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات:

Bookidia Travels is a highly regarded travel agency known for its exceptional customer service and comprehensive travel packages. Clients have expressed their satisfaction with the company's commitment to ensuring a hassle-free travel experience, highlighted by:

  • Friendly and Professional Staff: Special mentions go to employees like Louay and Mustafa, who have consistently provided great support, quick responses, and effective follow-ups before, during, and after trips.
  • Excellent Pricing: Many clients have praised the competitive prices for flights and accommodations, making travel accessible for everyone.
  • Well-Organized Itineraries: Clients frequently note that their trips are well-structured, with attention to detail that ensures everything runs smoothly.
  • Trust and Reliability: Customers feel reassured by the company's dedication to satisfying their needs, emphasizing Bookidia as their first choice for travel planning.

While the overwhelming feedback has been positive, there is always room for improvement, and the company is continuously striving to enhance its services. Overall, Bookidia Travels earns high recommendations for anyone looking to travel, both within the UAE and internationally. cannot guarantee that the companies that appear in the directory are certified travel agencies or that they have the corresponding licenses. The majority of companies that appear in the directory are travel agencies, but other types of companies also appear such as tour operators, guided tour providers, etc. We recommend that you request the Travel Agency registration number of the business you are going to attend.

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات: Reviews

5/5 (29 Reviews)
Talal Al rai 6 months ago

Fantastic experience: أتعامل مع هذه الشركة منذ فترة طويلة.قمت بعدة حجوزات بالسويد وإيطاليا وألمانيا وبريطانيا وداخل الإمارات.التعامل رائع والخدمة أكثر من رائعه.حصلت على أفضل الأسعار على مستوى الطيران والفنادق وأخص بالشكر الموظف لؤي على حسن التعامل ومتابعة العميل حتى بعد انهاء الخدمة للتأكد من أن العميل قد حصل على الخدمة المطلوبه بأفضل مستوى.من أفضل الشركات التي تعاملت معها حتى الآن.

Ibrahim Almarzooqi 6 months ago

Fantastic experience: من افضل مكاتب السياحة دايمن اتعامل معاهم والمتابعه مكان اول باول شكر خاص الي الموظف لؤي جدا خلوق وسريع في الإجراءات

Abdulaziz Alsaeedi 8 months ago

Fantastic experience: الشركة ممتازه التعامل وكل شي جميل جدا. ويسهلون عليك كل اللي تحتاجة. تعاملت معاهم اكثر من مره وفكل مره اكون مرتاح ومأمن في كل شي لان ادري اللي اباه بحصله وحتى في السفره يسألون عنك واذا في اي مشكلة او اي شي يساعدونك كثر ما يقدرون في اي وقت دايما هم خياري الاول

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

,, HelloThank you for your kind words. We are pleased and honored to deal with you and arrange your tripWe hope to always maintain your good expectationsWe hope to see you soon on your next travels

Nadim Sharif 8 months ago

Fantastic experience: Thank you for the great service and for the package that you arranged for us , this the third time we travel with you and every time the service is amazing. And special thanks for Louay for everything and he’s quick support and response and the daily follow up till we returned

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Mr. Nadim,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

Waleed Anwar 8 months ago

Fantastic experience: Excellent and professional in every aspect. Highly recommended, best prices and very reliable during working hours and outside working hours. Special thanks to Mustafa, you make our traveling, vacations and staycations hassle free!

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Mr. Waleed,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

NoNo MaSh 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: من افضل المكاتب السياحية التي تعاملة معها من ناحية الحجوزات واختيار افضل اماكن الاقامة وتوفير جميع سبل الراحه والمتابعه قبل وبعد السفر

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

,, HelloThank you for your kind words. We are pleased and honored to deal with you and arrange your tripWe hope to always maintain your good expectationsWe hope to see you soon on your next travels

Rabaah Alshehhi 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: الشكر الجزيل على الأمانة والدقة والتعامل الراقي والحرص على رضا العميل . أوصي بشدة على التعامل مع بوكيديا للسفريات لحرصهم على رضا المتعاملين والشكر موصول للأخ لؤي الذي قام بعملية تنظيم الرحلة وحجز الفنادق

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Peace be upon you, Mrs. Rabaa Thank you for your kind words. We are pleased and honored to deal with you and arrange your tripWe hope to always maintain your good expectationsWe hope to see you soon on your next travels

Amna Aljaberi 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: اشكر شركة Bookidia Travels شكرا كثيرا على ترتيبهم الاكثر من رائع على رحلتي للبوسنه من تاريخ19/8الى 21/8 من ركوبنا الطائرة وتوفير الوجبه ومن وقت وصولنا مطار سرايفيو واستقبالنا من المطار ومع وجود المترجم البوسني وكل شئ في قمة الترتيب من الفنادق والرحلات السياحية وحتى عودتنا نشكركم شكرا جزيلا

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Peace be upon you, safe ladyThank you for your kind words. We are pleased and honored to deal with you and arrange your tripWe hope to always maintain your good expectationsWe hope to see you soon on your next travels

English Mini-Capsules 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: بصراحه تعامل احترافي وخدمه أكتر من ممتازه ... بإذن الله مش هتكون آخر مره اتعامل فيها معاكم ❤️❤️

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Hello Thank you for your kind words. We are pleased and honored to deal with you and arrange your tripWe hope to always maintain your good expectationsWe hope to see you soon on your next travels

Hussam Suror 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: شركه محترمه جدا و تعامل راقي ومش اخر تعامل ان شاء الله

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Mr. Hussam,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

Rabz 100 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: تجربة رائعة وخدمة العملاء ممتازه جداً .. المتابعة أول بأول

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

HelloThank you for your kind words. We are pleased and honored to deal with you and arrange your tripWe hope to always maintain your good expectationsWe hope to see you soon on your next travels

Hassan Ibrahim 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: الخدمة ممتازة ماقصرت اخوي لؤي جزاك الله خير يالغالي

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Mr. Hassan,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

S H 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: اذا تعاملتوا معاهم ما بتفكرون تتعاملون مع شركة غيرهم

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

HelloThank you for your kind words. We are pleased and honored to deal with you and arrange your tripWe hope to always maintain your good expectationsWe hope to see you soon on your next travels

Koko Ezzat 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: خدمه ممتاز والحجز مفهوش غلطه وناس محترمين فوق الوصف

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear koko,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

ahmed emad 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: شركة محترمة بجد وكل القائمين فيها حسن الخلق

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Mr. Ahmed,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

محمد صلاح الدين 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: حاجه فى منتهى الاحترام والرقي شكرا لكل مسئول ساهم فى هذا النجاح

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Mr. Mohamed,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

Ahmed Mohammed 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: من أحسن الشركات اللي اتعاملت معاها فعلا

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Mr. Ahmed,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

Noor Aleman 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: كانت الرحله مرتبه والسواق كان جدا خدوم معانا وكل الحجوزات مرتبه ،، والطاقم كان متواصل معانا في الرحله .وطبعا راح احجز معاهم دايما لانهم اهل للثقه. وكانت رحلتي الي اذربجان رائعه. ما

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Ms. Noor,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

Roudha Alhammdi 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: أقوى مكتب الصراحه اتعامل معاه اخلاق ونعم .. سافرت السعودية لأداة العمرة و حجزولي ففندق ماريوت جبل عمر الصراحه يجنن وقرب للحرم جدا ..

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Ms. Roudha,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

ام ناصر 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: على كثر ماسافرت إلا إن هذي أفضل شركة أتعامل معاها ، ماقصرو معانا أبدا كل شي منسق ومرتب وكانو متواصلين معانا طول الرحلة ، والشكر موصول لأخوي لؤي يعطيه العافيه ماقصرت ورحلتنا كانت الى لندن مرتبه من المطار لين الفندق كل شي كان ممتاز يعطيكم الف عافيه ، وراح يكون تعاملنا مع الشركة دايما وابدا

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Peace be upon you, Umm NasserThank you for your kind words. We are pleased and honored to deal with you and arrange your tripWe hope to always maintain your good expectationsWe hope to see you soon on your next travels

Aza Me 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: كانت رحلتنا إلى تركيا طرابزون و حجزنا تذاكر و سكن و جولات سياحية مدة 9 ايام عن طريق Bookidia Travel رحلة عائلية صراح انصح بشدة تحجزون عن طريق هذي الشركة كانت ممتازة و بالأخص موضف اسمة لؤي ممتاز

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Hello Thank you for your kind words. We are pleased and honored to deal with you and arrange your tripWe hope to always maintain your good expectationsWe hope to see you soon on your next travels

Alia Ali 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: افضل شركه على وجه الارض شكرا لكل شخص كان وراء هل موضوع و بالاخص الاخ لوؤي شكرا من القلب كلمة شكرا ما توفي بحقكم

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Ms. Alia,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS


Fantastic experience: افضل مكتب تعاملت معاه .. الاسعار و ترتيب البكج ممتازين وايضاً سرعة التجاوب في حال كان عندي اي استفسار .. انصح الجميع بتعامل معاهم وما بتندمون

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Mr.Abdulla,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

asmaa hussien 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I had an amazing experience with this company. Friendly, smart and really helpful team. Got Visa for family, flight and hotel booking in the best possible price range . Would definitely recommend them . Thank you so much for your good work.

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Ms. Asmaa,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

Aysha alkaabi 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Very good priced services! They booked good hotels and transportation services. Highly recommended if you want to travel like a king or queen! Moreover i never visited their office, everything agreed on WhatsApp how awesome is this!

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Ms. Aysha,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

Maha De 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I always book my vacations with Bookidia Travel . They always make my holidays special and memorable, they are very well organized, and always giving us the best deals. Special thanks to Mustafa who is always willing to accomodate my requests and always oncall when am outside the country. Donot hestitate to contact them for any holidays packages. All the best for Bookidia team!

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Ms. Maha,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

Mohamed Hosny 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: One of the best leading travel agencies in Abu Dhabi, great customer service by their team, Really recommended

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Mr. Mohamed,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

mohamed katry 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Perfect

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Mr. Mohamed,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

Salim 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Nous avons fait un voyage à Dubaï pour les vacances de février 2023. Nous avons fait appel à Travel Bookidia, ils sont professionnels, règlement par CB sécurisé. Ils ont toujours été disponible pour répondre à nos questions et à nos attentes. Même pour les activités sur place, assistance pour effectuer les réservations pour nous. Pendant le séjour, ils s’assure que tout se passe bien, c’était parfait Voyagiste à recommandé! Merci beaucoup pour leur travail

Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات
Bookidia Travels - بوكيديا للسفريات

Dear Mr. Salim,Thank you very much for your positive review and rating at BOOKIDIA TRAVELS.It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all our ''Heartists'' as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next trip will be as Magnifique as the previous one.Sincerely,BOOKIDIA TRAVELS

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